Smartphones Need Cybersecurity Too - STG

Smartphones Need Cybersecurity Too

The private data we keep on our phones is a goldmine. Just think about all the information we can store behind that little glass screen, like financial info, private messages, banking apps, photos, and contact details. Therefore, smartphones need cybersecurity too.

Think about the members of your team who use their phones for work. They often have direct access to corporate resources including email, contact lists, network access, and file systems. So, if they do not keep that phone as safe as any other device at work, it could end up becoming a huge security risk.

Of course, criminals are aware of this factor, which is why they attack us through our phones as much as they do through our networks and servers.

Cybercrime isn’t even the only issue. Your data could be in danger by simply losing your phone or having it stolen.

Hence, you should be making sure that everyone follows certain basic security protocols to safeguard their data and prevent a disaster. The protocol should be followed whether you provide business smartphones or your staff uses their own.

Steps to Prevent Smartphone Data Theft

The first thing you should do is make sure people set up a PIN and biometric login. Require a fingerprint or face scan to open the device.

You should only be downloading apps from a trusted source and from genuine software.

It’s best you turn on multi-factor authentication for all applications that even temporarily store critical information.

When using Wi-Fi, be wary of where you connect. Think about using a VPN, or virtual private network, to add an additional layer of security if you frequently connect to public networks or work remotely. You never know who’s watching when you’re on a public network.

Finally, ALWAYS make sure that all of your apps are up to date and that your phone is running the most recent version of its operating system.

It’s too easy to take smartphones for granted. They’ve significantly altered how we live, both at home and at work. But taking them for granted can be an expensive mistake.

Get in touch if you think you need help keeping your smartphones secure.

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