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Meet the Tech Dogs! KOBE

Meet the Tech Dogs! KOBE

    KOBE: Today I’m going to introduce you to the old man of the bunch, the most bestest boy, none other than the amazing Kobe Bean Kats!   Kobe is a Parson Russell terrier and he’s about 12 years…

7 Common Business IT Myths Debunked

7 Common Business IT Myths Debunked

Television MythBuster shows never address business IT myths. Regrettably, believing these myths can be costly and risky for your business. A look at seven common business IT myths. While some myths are harmless, knowing the truth about business IT myths…

Meet the Tech Dogs! TJ

Meet the Tech Dogs! TJ

TJ: Hello everybody welcome to Stan’s Garage and the segment you’ve all been waiting for – Meet the Tech Dogs.  Today I’m going to introduce you to the baby of the bunch TJ! Tech Dogs! TJ TJ joined the family…

How to Free Up IT Resources

How to Free Up IT Resources

IT Resources: Capitalizing on opportunities is key to business success, but it is difficult when resources are limited. Article on how to free up IT resources for productivity and growth. Your company relies on IT. Workloads are growing and collaboration…

Another Week, Another Hack: Guess

Another Week, Another Hack: Guess

Guess: Welcome to the latest installment of “Another Week, Another Hack,” where we’ll do a quick dive into yet another cyber security incident.  This week a prominent fashion brand was hit, and I’ll give you one guess as to who…

Another Week, Another Hack: T-Mobile

Another Week, Another Hack: T-Mobile

T-Mobile, one of the biggest telecommunications companies in the US, was hacked nearly two weeks ago, exposing the sensitive information of more than 50 million current, former and prospective customers. Names, addresses, social security numbers, driver’s licenses and ID information…

The Danger of IT Dashes for Small Business

The Danger of IT Dashes for Small Business

Business: Few of us would consider running a marathon, or even a 10-mile race, without properly preparing. However, the number of people who believe they could sprint a 50-meter dash increases considerably if they are being pursued by a criminal,…

What Are Managed IT Services??

What Are Managed IT Services??

Nowadays, regardless of the work you do, you probably rely on a number of different technologies. Should any of those technologies get too complex or just up and fail on you, you need someone to help support them. Today I’m…