Drastically Improve Online Safety with Security Keys 

Drastically Improve Online Safety with Security Keys 

Let’s face it – passwords are on the way out. They are not powerful enough to keep our online accounts safe any longer– so… what’s in? Here’s how to drastically improve online safety with security keys.

Starting with the basics, what is a security key?

A security key is a physical device used as a form of multi-factor authentication (MFA). They are used to securely authenticate a user attempting to access a network or online account in addition to something like a password.

Understanding Security Keys 

If you have been thinking about beefing up your online security and worry your passwords could become compromised, it’s time to look into Drastically Improve Online Safety with Security Keys.

You know the saying ‘big things come in small packages’; the same can be said about the power of security keys.  

These tiny USB keys or wireless dongles are the up-and-coming protectors of authentication. They make it much tougher for cybercriminals and other unauthorized users from sneaking into your accounts.  

Think of your security key as an extra layer of protection for your online accounts. An important security feature for any tech enthusiast or business owner to have.

Getting Your Security Key 

Ready to level up your online security? Great. Let’s talk about how you can get your hands on a security key.  

First, you want to find a reliable key vendor. Companies like Yubico offer different models that help ensure compatibility with all your devices. If you plan to use this key for laptops and smartphones, make sure it will work well for both.

Pro tip: if you’re high risk for security breaches, some programs will even offer you free keys. That’s a pretty great deal if you’re eligible.  

Connecting your key is as simple as plugging in the USB, turning on your key, and following vendor instructions for the rest! 

Avoid Getting Locked Out 

Afraid you’ll go through the trouble of getting a security key only to lose it and face a lockout? Fear not, here are some ways to avoid getting locked out of your accounts… and save your sanity.  

  • Before you set up your key, it is recommended you set up at least one backup key and register them both simultaneously.
  • Most key companies offer various recovery methods in case you lose your key. Look into these methods like an authenticator app or backup codes.
  • Set your backup method prior to installing your key and familiarize yourself with it.

It’s all about being prepared for the unknown.  

Register Your Key Everywhere 

If you have your security key, it’s time to spread that security across all your accounts.  

Whether you use it for Google or Dropbox accounts, make sure to register your key wherever possible.  

Pairing it with all your accounts is always easier from a computer, so spend some time doing so. It will not only enhance your security chances but also streamline the authentication process.

Convenience and security finally going hand in hand with each other. 

Keep Your Key Accessible 

When using a security key, it’s important that you keep it handy.  

Attach it to your keychain or keep it plugged into a USB port. Do whatever you have to do to keep it close and know where it is.  

Accessibility is key. You never know when you’ll need your security key, so make sure it’s within arm’s reach at all times. It’s not as hard as it sounds either.  

With your key nearby, you’re prepared to handle any security incident that comes your way. 

The bottom line is this – passwords are no longer keeping our accounts safe. Most are easily trackable by even the most green hackers. If you have data to protect you need more security.  

Taking this step and getting a security key is a great way to put your protection into your own hands.  

Check out our last video! ➡️ Expert Tips for Staying Safe on Public Wi-Fi

If your Los Angeles business is looking for a better way to protect your online presence, feel free to reach out to us at stginfotech.com or schedule a call via the calendar link below to learn more about how we can help you plan your IT infrastructure.

STG Infotech proudly provides IT Services for Small to Medium Businesses in Greater Los Angeles. We’d love to see if we can help you too!

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