Meet the TechDogs! The Lovely Ms. Chloe Sophia

Meet the TechDogs! The Lovely Ms. Chloe Sophia

TechDogs Today we’ve got another installment of meet the tech dogs, with everyone’s favorite little girl, Chloe, aka Chloe Sophia.


Chloe is an almost 10 years young German Shorthaired Pointer that we adopted in January of 2018 from Wags and Walks, the rescue we’ve been volunteering with for quite some time now. 

Reese was a Pointer/Weimaraner mix who bore a striking resemblance to Chloe.  When Reese had passed, we weren’t really thinking about getting another right away, but the universe has other plans.  TechDogs We met Chloe that Sunday and she’s been with us ever since.


Not that’s not to say Chloe doesn’t have her quirks.  She is a very prey driver, so we can’t really trust she won’t take off when she spots a critter somewhere.  She also likes to hoover up whatever might look appetizing on a walk.  She’s super friendly, but not overly obsessed with us humans.  Sometimes, she’ll just go off on a dog bed in the corner somewhere and won’t really show up until she smells food or something.  She does love playing with her new baby brother TJ and he’s really unleashed her playful side in her golden years.  They go at it pretty frequently in the office, so if you ever stop by, you too could be witness to some rather loud doggie playtime.


TechDogs But when Chloe decides it’s snuggle time, she squeezes up against you just as tight as possible and will adjust right along with you should you dare to move.

Chloe Sophia

Chloe is definitely daddy’s girl, but if you stop on by with treats, she’ll definitely show you the proper TechDogs respect as well.  So drop Chloe a note in the comments, please like and subscribe, and we’ll catch you on the next one!



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