Microsoft Teasing Exciting Windows 12 Developments - STG

Microsoft Teasing Exciting Windows 12 Developments

Windows 11 still feels brand new to some of us, yet rumors regarding Windows 12’s impending release are already beginning to circulate. With Microsoft teasing exciting Windows 12 developments, it’s all we’ve been able to think about.

What will it look like?

What changes will there be?

Will there be new features?

We aren’t able to answer these questions just yet, but there have been rumblings of new features that could be pretty important for businesses.

Three, in particular, have us excited.

1. AI Functionality

The first – and probably most obvious – is the addition of greater AI functionality. From automation to chatbots, AI has exploded recently. It only makes sense that Microsoft would use this capability to create an operating system that is even more amazing.

We are likely to see better AI content analysis in the future, along with recommendations on starting projects or choosing the right productivity-enhancing apps. With better intuition on what to do next, it will enable us to move quickly through our tasks.

2. Faster Updates & Improved Security 

Here’s something we do know. Microsoft wants to improve security and deliver updates more quickly.

It’s more than likely that we will see things split into different sections instead of having the entire OS as a single unit as it does right now. This will allow for the background updating of various components while you continue to work. Different people will be granted access to different partitions for improved security.

3. Modular Experience 

The last thing to mention is Microsoft wants to improve the modular experience of Windows 12. The advantage of different components is that higher-powered devices can benefit from the full Windows experience, while less-powerful devices will still be able to do what they need off the Edge browser. For example, running Office tools, Outlook, or other web apps.

Some of these new features may be reliant on special hardware and equipment upgrades. So, we’re waiting for more announcements on that. You’ll be the first to know as soon as we learn anything!

With Microsoft teasing exciting Microsoft 12 developments, now is a great time to upgrade to Windows 11 if you haven’t already. Contact us today if you require any help or advice.

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